Thursday, 10 June 2010

N2CMS Templates RSS Feed Fix

N2CMS comes with some pretty fully featured examples, the most useful to me is the N2.Templates example site.  Unfortunately, as it stands the RSS feed is broken and give the error:

Cannot use filters when using MaxResults, sorry.

Fortunately a fix can be found the N2.Templates.Mvc project, you just need to replace the following functions in N2.Templates.Items.RssFeed :

   1: public virtual IEnumerable<ISyndicatable> GetItems()
   2: {
   3:     foreach (ISyndicatable item in N2.Find.Items
   4:         .Where.Detail(SyndicatableDefinitionAppender.SyndicatableDetailName).Eq(true)
   5:         .Filters(GetFilters())
   6:         .MaxResults(NumberOfItems)
   7:         .OrderBy.Published.Desc
   8:         .Select())
   9:     {
  10:         yield return item;
  11:     }
  12: }
  14: private ItemFilter[] GetFilters()
  15: {
  16:     ItemFilter[] filters;
  17:     if (FeedRoot != null)
  18:         filters = new ItemFilter[] { new TypeFilter(typeof(ISyndicatable)), new AccessFilter(), new ParentFilter(FeedRoot) };
  19:     else
  20:         filters = new ItemFilter[] { new TypeFilter(typeof(ISyndicatable)), new AccessFilter() };
  21:     return filters;
  22: }


   1: public virtual IEnumerable<ISyndicatable> GetItems()
   2: {
   3:     var filter = new AccessFilter();
   4:     var q = N2.Find.Items.Where.Detail(SyndicatableDefinitionAppender.SyndicatableDetailName).Eq(true);
   5:     if (FeedRoot != null)
   6:         q = q.And.AncestralTrail.Like(Utility.GetTrail(FeedRoot) + "%");
   8:     foreach (ContentItem item in q
   9:             .OrderBy.Published.Desc
  10:             .Select().Take(NumberOfItems))
  11:     {
  12:         var syndicatable = item as ISyndicatable;
  13:         if (syndicatable != null && filter.Match(item))
  14:         {
  15:             yield return syndicatable;
  16:         }
  17:     }
  18: }
And add ‘using System.Linq’ to the top of the file.

Easy…though it would be nice to see this fix make it into the trunk repository!

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