Thursday, 24 June 2010

MSBuild: Reliably Retrieving the Assembly Version (without locking the file!)

I’ve recently had to look at dynamically assigning an assembly versions based in part on the date of compilation and the version of a compiled 3rd Party library.

This looked like a simple job for the MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Framework.Assembly task in the MSBuild Extension Pack.  However, this had a serious downside it locked the Assembly for the duration of the build!. 


This is the Devil Line that causes the problem:

   1: protected override void InternalExecute()
   2: {
   3:     // Implementation ommitted
   4:     this.assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(this.NetAssembly.GetMetadata("FullPath"));
   5:     // Implementation ommitted
   6: }
   7: /* Taken From MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Framework.Assembly using Reflector
   8: protected override void InternalExecute();
  10: Declaring Type: MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Framework.Assembly 
  11: Assembly: MSBuild.ExtensionPack, Version= 
  12: */

It looks innocent enough, but it loads the assembly into the current AppDomain (MSBuild’s build process) which then prevents any other process from accessing the file – even the build process itself. 


The Workaround

To get around this, I knocked up a quick custom MSBuild Task:

   1: using System;
   2: using System.Linq;
   3: using System.Reflection;
   4: using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
   5: using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
   7: namespace MartinOnDotNet.MSBuild.Tasks
   8: {
   9:     /// <summary>
  10:     /// This task takes a four section version number and returns an abbreviated version number
  11:     /// based on the  first three parts (800).  This can then be used to distinguish depended versions.
  12:     /// </summary>
  13:     public class AbbreviateVersionTask : Task
  14:     {
  16:         /// <summary>
  17:         /// Executes this instance.
  18:         /// </summary>
  19:         /// <returns></returns>
  20:         public override bool Execute()
  21:         {
  22: #if DEBUG
  23:             if (Properties.Settings.Default.LaunchDebugger
  24:                 && !System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch();
  25: #endif
  26:             if (AbbreviatedVersionParts <= 0 || AbbreviatedVersionParts > 4) AbbreviatedVersionParts = 3;
  27:             AssemblyName assname = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(NetAssembly.GetMetadata("FullPath"));
  28:             Version v = assname.Version;
  29:             AssemblyVersion = v.ToString();
  30:             string[] parts = v.ToString(AbbreviatedVersionParts).Split(new char[] { '.' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
  31:             AbbreviatedVersion = string.Concat(parts.ToArray());
  32:             Major = v.Major;
  33:             Minor = v.Minor;
  34:             Build = v.Build;
  35:             Revision = v.Revision;
  36:             return true;
  37:         }
  39:         /// <summary>
  40:         /// Gets or sets the assembly version.
  41:         /// </summary>
  42:         /// <value>The assembly version.</value>
  43:         [Output]
  44:         public string AssemblyVersion { get; set; }
  46:         /// <summary>
  47:         /// Gets or sets the abbreviated version pats.
  48:         /// </summary>
  49:         /// <value>The abbreviated version pats.</value>
  50:         public int AbbreviatedVersionParts { get; set; }
  52:         /// <summary>
  53:         /// Gets or sets the assembly.
  54:         /// </summary>
  55:         /// <value>The assembly.</value>
  56:         [Required]
  57:         public ITaskItem NetAssembly { get; set; }
  59:         /// <summary>
  60:         /// Gets or sets the abbreviated version.
  61:         /// </summary>
  62:         /// <value>The abbreviated version.</value>
  63:         [Output]
  64:         public string AbbreviatedVersion { get; set; }
  66:         /// <summary>
  67:         /// Gets or sets the major.
  68:         /// </summary>
  69:         /// <value>The major.</value>
  70:         [Output]
  71:         public int Major { get; set; }
  72:         /// <summary>
  73:         /// Gets or sets the minor.
  74:         /// </summary>
  75:         /// <value>The minor.</value>
  76:         [Output]
  77:         public int Minor { get; set; }
  78:         /// <summary>
  79:         /// Gets or sets the build.
  80:         /// </summary>
  81:         /// <value>The build.</value>
  82:         [Output]
  83:         public int Build { get; set; }
  84:         /// <summary>
  85:         /// Gets or sets the revision.
  86:         /// </summary>
  87:         /// <value>The revision.</value>
  88:         [Output]
  89:         public int Revision { get; set; }
  92:     }
  93: }

The main different between my implementation and the MSBuild Extension Pack task is this line:

   1: AssemblyName assname = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(NetAssembly.GetMetadata("FullPath"));

This line retrieves the assemblies name object (version, public key, etc, etc) without actually loading the assembly into the AppDomain, hence – no locking!  Sweet.

This can now be referenced in your build scripts, like so:

   1: <!-- Register Task -->
   2: <UsingTask AssemblyFile="..\3rd Party\MartinOnDotNet Build Tasks\MartinOnDotNet.MSBuild.Tasks.dll"
   3:                      TaskName="MartinOnDotNet.MSBuild.Tasks.AbbreviateVersionTask" />
   5: <!-- And Now Use in Build Target -->
   6: <Target Name="MergeVersions">
   7:     <!-- Implementation Ommitted -->
   9:     <MartinOnDotNet.MSBuild.Tasks.AbbreviateVersionTask NetAssembly="$(HelpersLibrary)">
  10:         <Output TaskParameter="AssemblyVersion"
  11:                         PropertyName="HelpersAssemblyVersion" />
  12:         <Output TaskParameter="Major"
  13:                         PropertyName="HelpersMajor" />
  14:         <Output TaskParameter="Major"
  15:                         PropertyName="HelpersMajor" />
  16:         <Output TaskParameter="Minor"
  17:                         PropertyName="HelpersMinor" />
  18:         <Output TaskParameter="Build"
  19:                         PropertyName="HelpersBuild" />
  20:         <Output TaskParameter="Revision"
  21:                         PropertyName="HelpersRevision" />
  22:     </MartinOnDotNet.MSBuild.Tasks.AbbreviateVersionTask>
  23:     <Message Text="Helpers Version: $(HelpersAssemblyVersion)"
  24:                      Importance="high" />
  25:     <ItemGroup>
  26:         <AssemblyInfoFiles Include="..\Freestyle.Helpers.Ektron\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs"/>
  27:     </ItemGroup>
  29:     <Message Text="Assembly Info File: %(AssemblyInfoFiles.FullPath)"
  30:                      Importance="high" />
  31:     <MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Framework.AssemblyInfo AssemblyInfoFiles="@(AssemblyInfoFiles)"
  32:                                                                                                 AssemblyFileMajorVersion="$(HelpersMajor)"
  33:                                                                                                 AssemblyFileMinorVersion="$(AbbreviatedVersion)"
  34:                                                                                                 AssemblyFileBuildNumberType="NoIncrement"
  35:                                                                                                 AssemblyFileBuildNumber="$(HelpersBuild)"
  36:                                                                                                 AssemblyFileRevisionType="NoIncrement"
  37:                                                                                                 AssemblyFileRevision="$(HelpersRevision)"
  38:                                                                                                 AssemblyMajorVersion="$(HelpersMajor)"
  39:                                                                                                 AssemblyMinorVersion="$(AbbreviatedVersion)"
  40:                                                                                                 AssemblyBuildNumberType="NoIncrement"
  41:                                                                                                 AssemblyBuildNumber="$(HelpersBuild)"
  42:                                                                                                 AssemblyRevisionType="NoIncrement"
  43:                                                                                                 AssemblyRevision="$(HelpersRevision)"
  44:                                                                                                 SkipVersioning="false"/>
  46: </target>

The above example makes use the AssemblyInfo task in the MSBuild Extension Pack to explicitly set the version number for my assembly.


  1. MikeFourie on Twitter has pointed out that the file locking issue was fixed in version of the Extension tasks.

    I've been using the venerable, antiquated

  2. You're using what? :-)

    I would recommend upgrading, there is lots more goodness and no compatibility breaks.



  3. Well, it's part of our established build environment...

    ...I'll look into upgrading.


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