Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Using MbUnit StaticTestFactory to Validate Sitemap.xml Links

I’ve been investigating a replacement for our current link checker (SEO Optimization Toolkit) to be run automatically as part of our build so that we can get a quick heads up if one of our dynamic pages breaks.  The problem is that as most of our sites are built with Ektron there’s a lot of potential for a combination of content and code to break individual pages that share a template with working pages. 

As these pages are data driven hard coding tests is very timely and very fragile.  Fortunately, most of our Ektron sites have automatically generated sitemap.xml which gives us a neat list of urls to test which is where MbUnit’s StaticTestFactory comes in useful as it allows us to dynamically create distinct tests for each url.


   1: using System;
   2: using System.Collections.Generic;
   3: using System.Globalization;
   4: using System.Linq;
   5: using System.Net;
   6: using System.Xml.Linq;
   7: using MbUnit.Framework;
   9: namespace MartinOnDotNet.VerificationTests
  10: {
  11:     /// <summary>
  12:     /// Includes methods to verify the validity of a sitemap.xml
  13:     /// </summary>
  14:     public sealed class ValidateSiteMap
  15:     {
  17:         /// <summary>
  18:         /// Generates a static test for each url referenced within the sitemap
  19:         /// </summary>
  20:         [StaticTestFactory, Parallelizable(TestScope.Descendants)]
  21:         public static IEnumerable<Test> GenerateSiteMapLinkTests()
  22:         {
  23:             Uri sitemapUri = new Uri(Properties.Settings.Default.SiteMapXmlUri); // Uri for Xml Sitemap to test : http://localhost/sitemap.xml
  24:             int requestTimeout = Properties.Settings.Default.SiteMapRequestTimeout; //timeout for each request in ms : 300ms
  26:             IEnumerable<string> locations = GetSitemapLocations(sitemapUri);
  27:             //is sitemap populated
  28:             yield return CreateSitemapHasNodesTest(sitemapUri, locations);
  30:             //are all reference urls valid
  31:             foreach (string location in locations)
  32:             {
  33:                 yield return CreateLocationTest(requestTimeout, location, HttpStatusCode.OK);
  34:             }
  36:             // check that robots.txt is present
  37:             Uri robotstxtUri = new Uri(sitemapUri, "/robots.txt");
  38:             yield return CreateLocationTest(requestTimeout, robotstxtUri.ToString(), HttpStatusCode.OK);
  39:             //finally, let's check that a deliberately incorrect url
  40:             Uri nonExistantUri = new Uri(sitemapUri, "/nonexistantfileonserver/");
  41:             yield return CreateLocationTest(requestTimeout, nonExistantUri.ToString(), HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
  43:         }
  45:         /// <summary>
  47:         /// </summary>
  48:         /// <param name="sitemapUri">The sitemap URI.</param>
  49:         /// <param name="locations">The locations.</param>
  50:         /// <returns>A test that checks the sitemap has nodes</returns>
  51:         private static TestCase CreateSitemapHasNodesTest(Uri sitemapUri, IEnumerable<string> locations)
  52:         {
  53:             return new TestCase(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} - Sitemap Has Entries", sitemapUri), () =>
  54:             {
  55:                 Assert.IsTrue(locations.Any());
  56:             });
  57:         }
  59:         /// <summary>
  60:         /// Creates the location test.
  61:         /// </summary>
  62:         /// <param name="requestTimeout">The request timeout.</param>
  63:         /// <param name="location">The location.</param>
  64:         /// <returns>A unique test for a sitemap location</returns>
  65:         private static TestCase CreateLocationTest(int requestTimeout, string location, HttpStatusCode expectedResult)
  66:         {
  67:             return new TestCase(location, () =>
  68:             {
  69:                 HttpWebRequest wrq = HttpWebRequest.Create(location) as HttpWebRequest;
  70:                 wrq.UserAgent = "Googlebot/2.1 (+"; // appear to be google to escape any custom error handling
  71:                 wrq.Timeout = requestTimeout;
  72:                 HttpWebResponse wrp = null;
  73:                 try
  74:                 {
  75:                     wrp = GetResponse(wrq);
  76:                     Assert.AreEqual<System.Net.HttpStatusCode>(expectedResult, wrp.StatusCode);
  77:                 }
  78:                 finally
  79:                 {
  80:                     if (wrp != null) wrp.Close();
  81:                 }
  82:             });
  83:         }
  85:         #region Helper Methods
  87:         /// <summary>
  88:         /// Gets the sitemap locations.
  89:         /// </summary>
  90:         /// <param name="sitemapUri">The sitemap URI.</param>
  91:         /// <returns>A list of locations referenced within the sitemap</returns>
  92:         private static IEnumerable<string> GetSitemapLocations(Uri sitemapUri)
  93:         {
  94:             XNamespace xn = XNamespace.Get(@"");
  95:             XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(sitemapUri.ToString(), LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace);
  96:             return from loc in xdoc.Descendants(xn + "loc")
  97:                             select loc.Value;
  98:         }
 100:         /// <summary>
 101:         /// Gets the response object and handles any protocol exceptions
 102:         /// </summary>
 103:         /// <param name="request">The request.</param>
 104:         /// <returns>The response object if available</returns>
 105:         private static HttpWebResponse GetResponse(HttpWebRequest request)
 106:         {
 107:             try
 108:             {
 109:                 return request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
 110:             }
 111:             catch (WebException wex)
 112:             {
 113:                 if (wex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError)
 114:                 {
 115:                     return wex.Response as HttpWebResponse;
 116:                 }
 117:                 else
 118:                 {
 119:                     throw;
 120:                 }
 121:             }
 122:         }
 124:         #endregion
 126:     }
 127: }

Attachment: Visual Studio Project

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